navigating life's shadows with chocolate & reluctant yoga

Dutch Oven Helper

Dutch Oven Helper

I use a Dutch oven weekly to feed the people I love. After the house fire it was one of the very first things I went to buy after underwear for the family of course.
This weekend my sweet Mama made a delicious roast in my former red Dutch oven. It fed many of us for days and delighted my soul every time I took a savory bite. It reminded me of the home I grew up in and how I could always taste love in my parents cooking. •••
Well that was the final meal we all had the pleasure of partaking in from the faithful red Dutch oven. Yours truly without thinking sprayed it with something you should never use on a Dutch oven. It corroded. In steps Kohl’s for the win! One left, in store pick up, Kohl’s cash used and done.

Tonight’s menu: homemade chili and cinnamon rolls. Yummy!! What do you like to make in your Dutch oven?

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