I’m A to Z, I’m the Beginning, I’m the Conclusion

I’m A to Z, I’m the Beginning, I’m the Conclusion

And You oh Lord, are everything in between! As I sat here tonight deciding where to begin with my updates, my mind began to wander to something I read in the intro to the book of Revelations not long ago.  “Our times are not propitious for worship. The times never are. The world is hostile to worship. The Devil hates worship. As the Revelation makes clear, worship must be carried out under conditions decidedly uncongenial to it.” Decidedly uncongenial: free from hesitation or waiver, resolute, determined/ not agreeable,  not suitable,not pleasing in nature. For those of you who have graciously followed my journey over the past several months, you have certainly witnessed that I have walked through some tough situations in my life. Conditions decidedly uncongenial to worship. Experiences that I never imagined I would face but as I move through them, would never ever change.

It wasn’t more than a few months back that I miscarried at eight weeks along. It wasn’t more than a few months back that I miscarried children of the heart. (I’m the beginning) The pain was more than any human being should bear. The unanswered questions and feelings of hopelessness. The very real feeling that a part of me was now missing. Every morning was a reminder of what happened the day before. At the time I didn’t know how I would ever move through that kind of despair. Every day I would make the choice to open up my mouth and to give thanks. Every day there was this force greater than I beckoning me onward.

In this very moment, I pause to give thanks yet again for where onward has brought me. It wasn’t long ago that my path crossed with the most incredible woman from the most incredible organization I have ever known, www.givinghopehaiti.com. The longer we talked and the more we shared our stories, we had the most surreal awareness that we were living parallel lives.  (I’m everything in between)

One of the first times we spoke over the telephone she said to me, “Jennifer, God is going to bless you double for your obedience to His voice, and although you have experienced so much loss, you will have double for your trouble.” I wrote those words down and repeated them daily, several times a day for weeks on end. Knowing those words would manifest and become something real. Little did I know, just how real real would be!

I am beyond thrilled to announce publicly that we have been matched with twin 3 year old girls from Haiti, named Hope Elaine and Apple Renee as well as a newborn baby girl named, Haven Clara. All three of our daughters have experienced abandonment, rejection and loss at a very early age. They are in great need of a forever family. We had the honor of giving them all new names and we believe whole-heartedly their new names go with their new future! Hope Elaine is vibrant and outgoing, Apple Renee is quiet and introspective; their blend is nothing short of glorious. Haven Clara is just that, a bright and safe place. I cannot wait to share more details about their little journeys as time goes on but for today, I give thanks that God saw them and rescued them. I am most honored and humbled to be entrusted with their little hearts. Faith, Grace and my good lookin’ man are too!

Not only am I receiving a double blessing but also a triple blessing from the One who is faithful! The words that were spoken are coming to life and in ways I never imagined. (I’m the conclusion)

We would be most grateful if you would please consider giving to our adoption journey and or passing along our story to anyone you know who carries a heart for adoption. We have more than enough room in our hearts and our home for these 3 little chocolate yummies. However, the cost is $12,000 per child which when you think of all the paperwork, time and research that goes into each adoption, $12,000 seems like pennies. All donations are tax deductible. At this pace, we will soon have our own African Children’s choir to travel with Annagail.

If you prefer to mail a check or money order send to: Havilah Global in the memo write Adams Adoption, PO Box 113, Zeeland, MI  49464.

Apple Renee is on the left and Hope Elaine is on the right. I will be posting a picture of Haven Clara as soon as I get an updated one of her fully clothed. We saw her when she was just born 🙂

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The Girls  

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