June? Summer? What?

June? Summer? What? So, I had this lofty goal of blogging at least once a month and keeping all of you fine folks updated on the most exciting journey of Annagail and The Adams Family. First, let me pause a moment, to laugh really hard at that! I honestly do not know where the time keeps running off to. It could have a little something to do with the fact that we just moved, we travel two weeks out of the month, we are raising and homeschooling two amazing and full of energy babes, we are writing for our new album, we sit on the board of several companies (profit and non profit alike) , I am just finishing my first book entitled “My Sister Chocolate, My Sister Vanilla”. Oh then there is summer, building sand castles, planting herb gardens, swimming in the lake, boating, kids play dates, swimming lessons, slumber parties, going to the circus and the like. Let us not forget, cooking healthy meals for the gang, becoming an expert cornrower, rockin out new hair styles, girls trip only to Wisconsin, honoring our heritage at Dutch Village and an Irish pub, working out so our hearts can keep up with our schedules, building community, meeting incredible new friends (Fred and Ethel) and so much more!
These past few months have been a whirlwind but I would not change a thing. We kicked off our Spring with an amazing five days in Destin Florida with our dear friends (The Stuarts) from Franklin, TN. That was one of the most relaxing vacations we have ever been on. We literally slept, ate and ran around in our bathing suits all day, everyday. Insert note for the reader, from the author: of which I wore a two piece, first time in years! At the end of day five we were golden brown and revived to take on the world. Let me pause again to laugh at that! With every good intention comes a whole lot of obstacle. One thing I can say for certain is patience is having its good work in me! The more I am made to wait, the more patient I become. Isn’t that phenomenal how that works like that. You can fight it and get really anxious or you can roll with it and learn things will hardly ever go as you plan but by all means, keep on planning. Alot of times, they will go way better than you had planned, after you stop and take a moment to look back on how it all worked out.
One of my current favorite authors says it best: Faith is the patience with mystery that allows you to negotiate the stages. It allows God to lead you through darkness, where God knows and I don’t. This is the only way to come to love. Love is the true goal. Faith is the process of getting there and hope is the willingness to live without resolution or closure. If we are not trained in a trust of mystery and some degree of tolerance for ambiguity, frankly we will not proceed very far on the spiritual journey! R. Rohr
Go ahead and read that again if you must. It’s worth the time invested to read it and then read it again. The more I learn to enjoy the moment I am in, the less I am concerned with the moments of all my tomorrows. I am truly learning to make every moment count and to keep myself alert yet at rest. That in and of itself is a tricky balance, one that can only be kept by staying nestled under the wings of Truth and Love! I have found that if I do not tuck under daily, the balance begins to shift and everything leans to the left. I then find myself walking at a slant and I sure get a lot of funny stares.
Considering the fact that it’s way past my bedtime, I will end this journal entry the way it began (hey look, we are full circle). Now for the updates and hoopla of Annagail and the Adams Family: Our very first music video is being finalized, Annagail’s interview is complete and soon to be on YouTube, a fun new sitcom is in the works, our single has made it into the movie, “Decision” and will be out in September on the GMC channel, our story is being aired on TCT this fall, radio tour continues, Jared got his first tatoo and I was supposed to get a matching one and instead decided my nose piercing was enough, Faith is adding to her list of experiences more voice overs and has a heart bigger than the sky, Grace is learning to sing more than one note and they both keep us laughing, we are signed up to adopt again, we have walked with family members through loss of job and home, we have faced more illness in the past year than in the past fifteen years, we laugh more, love more, cry more and forgive more than ever before and we are alive to tell about it!
Stay tuned for more exciting updates at non regular intervals.
Truly yours,